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Gary Steinkamp

Gary Steinkamp

I am a lifetime member of the Barbershop Harmony Society and have been singing and teaching Barbershop music for over 60 years. In addition to being one of the music leaders of A Cappella Syndicate, I also served as Musical Director for the Spirit of Phoenix Chorus for 5 years, Music and Artistic Director of the Tokyo Barbers (a Barbershop Chorus in Tokyo) for 11 years, Director of the Pride of Phoenix chorus and Director of the Phoenicians - International Chorus Champions for 10 years. I am a 3-time District Quartet Champion and an International 3rd place medalist of the quartet Standing Room Only. I’m a long-time member of the Harmony University faculty of the Barbershop Harmony Society in Nashville, TN. I served on the Barbershop Harmony Society's Future II Committee and was a member of the Far Western District Chorus Director's Guild. I’m a Certified Judge of 20 years, serving on the Board of Review for the Performance Category and continues to coach choruses and quartets all over the world in the Barber Shop style. Of my fondest barbershop memories are the years I spent singing with my Dad in a comedy quartet, Music Appreciation 101, and more recently with my pals, Sprout, Tinker and Mulligan in The Associates.
Brent Graham

Brent Graham

I am a long-time member of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) as well as a Master Director in the Sweet Adelines International (SAI) organization. My directorial career prior to the Syndicate started with the BHS Channel City Chorus in Santa Barbara, CA and ended with the SAI City of Lakes Chorus in Minneapolis, MN, who are perennial Region 6 Champions. I was part of the the BHS Harmony University faculty for 6 years and have been honored to serve for 20 years as a Certified BHS Judge in the Music Category. I have arranged some 200 songs in the Barbershop style (see, many of which have been sung by International champions and medalists over the years.